Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Best Android Apps

Posted by Android Versions at 9:14 AM

The Weather Channel App - Android Apps

The Weather Channel App is pretty well known among all users of smart-phones and other devices. There is no other weather app that gives you information like as efficiently and as effectively as this one does. If you have any other weather app you will feel like you are living in the stone age. It updates itself to your location and does a bunch of other stuff that you would take for granted if you had it.
This is an absolute must have app for every phone.
Facebook for Android

Facebook for Android - Android Apps

Yet another must have app for Android. Almost everyone we know has a Facebook account and seeing people's updated statuses are a must! Keep yourself informed with all the latest gossip and news between your friends. This is more for the younger generation, but many of the older generations are adapting to social media. It really is a great way to see people you haven't seen in ages.
Shop Savvy App

Shop Savvy App - Android Apps

This is an absolute must have app. It is only the beginning, but people will be using versions of this app, until it isn't an app any more and just a part of our day. This app really is a great help to shoppers. All you have do is scan the bar-code of the item you want to purchase with your phone to find out if you are getting ripped off or not. Had updates all the time and gives you price updates on certain items! It also lets you save that item to put it on a wish list and many other great features to come!
Camera 360 Ulimate

Camera 360 Ulimate - Android Apps

Camera360 Ultimate is a must have, even if you take 1 picture! There is a paid and FREE version of this. The free version is great by itself and is a must have. The paid version gives you some more nice features. You do not need the paid version unless you are really in to the app. They really increase how your pictures with look, and you can do all types of things. There are different types of modes than include, funny, normal, scenary, etc. Check out the video for more detail.
Camera360 is the best by far because it is the simplest way to get great effects on your phones, no app is this simple and produces results like this.

Dropbox - Android Apps

When you download apps and things off your computer, Dropbox makes it extremely easy to get them directly on your phone without having to transfer it. This app helps out a lot and saves a lot of time. If you know how you use it, it really helps out tremendously. Check out the video below, as she download Angry Birds off of her computer and it puts it directly on her phone.
Brightest Flashlight Free

Brightest Flashlight Free - Android Apps

There are many flashlights that you can get at the app store, most are free, some aren't. Brightest Flashlight Free is exactly what is says. It is the brightest flashlight and it is free. so get it! It has two lights on it. it turns your Camera's flash into a flashlight as well. It illuminates a small dark room really well. Check out the video below to get an idea of how good it works, then he also shows you a couple of other flashlights as well.
This is the absolute best flashlight app. Get it.
Epicurious App

Epicurious App (Recipes) - Android Apps

This is the best/top rated Android app when it comes to recipes, no other one really compares. It is very simple to use and has many great features. You can even voice search, there are tons of recipes and there is always new stuff being added. This is an absolute must have app if you are in to cooking. There is a lot of room for improvement in this app and all food apps. Right now, Epicurious is the top app for Android hands down.
Trillian App


Trillian App - Android Apps

This is an absolute must have App. It supports all of the most popular instant message services, including facebook, google talk, windows messenger live, and skype. So if you are stuck talking to people all over, then it is clear you need this app. This app is available on Iphone and everything else, but it does cost a little, so only get it if you know you will use it. So obviously you will only need this app if you have problems jumbling talking to people on different IMs. Check out the video, really describes what it does well.
Fandango Movie

Fandango Movie App - Android Apps

Here is another movie app you absolutely need to have. Not only is it super easy to find times for movies in your local area, but you can also order them as well, from the best ticket service. So there is no doubt you need this app if you watch movies for that reason alone, but it also gives you high quality trailers for the movies and reviews to go with it.
All in all if you don't have this app and watch movies you have been missing out!
PowerAMP Music Player

PowerAMP Music Player - Android Apps

This is by far the Best Music player app for android. It has plenty of options that you can use, and maybe some you won't. It really does everything and is easy to modify anything, including presets. It also increases the volume from your phone, the video below explains it. Has an easy way to get to any song and makes that easy. My suggestion is to watch the video or get the app, me explaining it does it no justice.
Like I said please watch this video for sure, it gives you a great idea of exactly what it does.
Google Maps

Google Maps - Android Apps

It does things as simple as tell you where you are. You can show traffic, bicycling, latitude, anything you could dream it does. It also pin points restaurants, attractions, ATMs, and you can also add your own stuff. Google gives the best maps and gives street views. You could literally walk down your street.
If you don't know what Google Maps does, check out the video below because it describes what it does and shows you.

Evernote - Android Apps

Well, this is simply an amazing app. It is so easy to use and makes it simple to transfer it off of your phone to anywhere you want. You can put all of your notes there and make it very easy to search for, you don't need a pen or paper. It is all there and way more organized than anything I've done on paper. You don't need to carry around 20 different note books, this thing does it all and more.
it records audios, pictures, and everything please watch the video.

Twitter - Android Apps

Twitter - Android Apps

I feel like a weirdo putting Facebook on Twitter on here like you people don't know, but some people just don't get how great they really are. Check out the video below to see everything it does. People don't understand that twitter can give them information they need with no problem. I get a lot of my news from certain people who tweet. I don't really care about what Ochocinco, or any other celebrity thinks or says. There are millions of people who actually post interesting things. For instance you can Tweet this right now! Please do!

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